


Now You See Me 3

Now You See Me 3 Cast and Crew

Now You See Me 3 - Directed by

Ruben Fleischer

Now You See Me 3 - Writing Credits

Seth Grahame-Smith

Gavin James

Michael Lesslie

Eric Warren Singer

written by

Ed Solomon


Ed Solomon


Neil Widener

Now You See Me 3’s Cast

Now You See Me 3 - produced by

Bobby Cohen


Kelli Konop

executive in charge of production

Sara Desmond

executive producer

Katterli Frauenfelder

executive producer

Alex Kurtzman


Ethan Smith

executive producer

Chisom Ude

executive producer

Now You See Me 3 - Cinematography by

George Richmond

director of photography

Now You See Me 3 - Casting By

Rich Delia

Now You See Me 3 - Production Design by

David Scheunemann

Art Direction for Now You See Me 3

Csongor Egyed

Abe El Habashy

Miklós Hatvani-Deàk

Sarah Hopper

asst art director

Dominic Hyman

supervising art director

Mo Khalafalla

Wolfgang Metschan

senior art director

Vatsal Mistry

assistant art director

Aurel Somlyody

assistant art director

Róbert Taller

(art direction: Set Dec)

Andreas Zuhr

(set designer)

Set Decoration for Now You See Me 3

Ali Hassan Muhammed Aslam

(set decorations)

Reynan Castro Del Rosario

Costume Design for Now You See Me 3

Sophie Canale

Makeup Department for Now You See Me 3

Rakel Arnarsdottir

crowd makeup artist: Abu Dhabi

Zera Azmi

Crowd hair and makeup supervisor: UAE unit

Helga Bosman

Crowd Hair stylist: Abu Dhabi

Hanna Máté

Cast makeup artist

Laura Papp

daily prosthetic artist

Szabolcs Szoke

Crowd Hair Artist

Attila Végh

hair stylist

Muri Zsofia

hair stylist

Agoston Zsombor

makeup designer

Production Management for Now You See Me 3

Gábor Bukai

assistant production manager

Veronika Dobos

production manager

Damien Hamon

unit manager: Belgium shooting

Charlotte Keating

production supervisor

Viki Mészáros

2nd unit assistant production manager

Marcell Balázs Szabó

unit manager (as Marcell Szabó)

Márton Takács

assistant unit manager

Julia Valentine

head of production: Abu Dhabi Film Commission

Now You See Me 3’s Second Unit Director or Assistant Director

Ziyi Cao

assistant to the director / second unit assistant to the director

Anna Piroska Geréb

crowd second assistant director

Robyn Glaser

key second assistant director second unit

Laura Gramling

Crowd 3rd Assistant Director

Foreste Mbemba

third assistant director

Farah Khalil Moued

Second Unit Third Assistant Director: Abu Dhabi

Charrles Mycchael

assistant director

Kaliste Rodi

crowd wrangler Abu Dhabi

Now You See Me 3’s Art Department

Rania Ajjour

art department coordinator

Pataki András

props buyer

Kamen Anev

concept artist

Kinga Bácsi


Federico Ciommo

property master

Michael Coja

Standby Props

Ferdinand Castro Del Rosario

set dresser

Konstantin Gorbov

standby art: Abu Dhabi second unit

Willi Hartmann

lead graphic designer

Gyöngyvér Kabai

graphic designer

Gabor Kaban

set decorating warehouse manager

Éva Kedves

concept artist

Abu haltam khaleel

Scenic artist

Levente Kocsa

On-set dresser

Zoltán Kohut

stand by props 2 unit

Haddadin Lamis

set dresser

Márk Langfeld

greens chargehand

Kerry-Ellen Maxwell

Standby Art Director

András Menráth


Maxim Molchanov

Property Master Abu Dhabi

Benedek Akos Molnar

picture vehicle coordinator

Helga Petro

assistant art director

Gergely Piroska

Concept Artist

Nabeel Saikhu

Construction Manager (credit only) / construction manager

Lily Sullivan

art department assistant

Anna Mária Szabó


Mátyás Szakonyi

Key Greensman

Peter Várdai

prop concept artist

Now You See Me 3’s Sound Department

Dániel Böhm

sound mixer: splinter unit

Sam Cousins

1st assistant sound

Viktória Magyar

2nd Assistant Sound

Milán Tuska

sound mixer

Horváth Zsolt

boom operator

Now You See Me 3’s Special Effects by

György Albitz

senior special effects workshop technician

Péter Bosánszki

special effects technician

Béla Buzgó

senior special effects technician

István Fischer

special effects breakaway technician

Linett Fischer

special effects breakaway technician

Bence Füredi

special effects: motion base crew

Csaba Füredi

special effects workshop supervisor

Gábor Grózner

daily special effects technician

Szilvassy Istvan

senior special effects workshop technician

Tamás Janicsek

senior special effects workshop technician

Ali Mohammad Khaja

special effects assistant: UAE

Gábor Kiszelly

special effects supervisor

Géza Kocsis

senior special effects technician

Péter Máté

special effects buyer

Norbert Orosz

special effects floor supervisor

Erzsébet Pongrácz

special effects buyer

Rodolphe Saleh

special effects technician: UAE

Zsolt Schweigert

special effects technician

Tamas Uzoni

special effects: motion base crew

'Pippó' Krisztián Volkov

bowser technician

Now You See Me 3’s Visual Effects by

Brianna Domont

Visual Effects Executive

Charlotta Forssman

visual effects supervisor

Marcell Gur

Lidar scanning technician: Clear Angle Studios

Benett Gyurik

visual effects data wrangler: lidar scanning

Jake Maymudes

visual effects producer: Wylie Co.

Matt McClurg

previsualization supervisor: Digital Domain

Tristan Zerafa

2nd Unit VFX Supervisor

Now You See Me 3’s Stunts

Imre Ferenczi

stunt rigger

Kinga Kivés

stunt performer

Patrick Thomas Kovacs

stunt performer

György Kökényesi

stunt driver

Grégory Nolbas

stunt performer: Stunt double Thabang Molaba

Tiia Rowley

Stunt Department Coordinator

Balázs Terebesi

stunt department coordinator

Vi-Dan Tran

stunt previz designer

Narantsogt Tsogtbayar


Narantsogt Tsogtsaikhan

stunt performer

Szabolcs Varga

stunt performer

András Vékes

stunt performer

Now You See Me 3’s Camera and Electrical Department

Nizam Mohamed Assam

second assistant camera: Aerial Abu Dhabi

Tolnai Benjamin


Fanni Benke

second assistant "a" camera 2nd unit

Jonte Beswick

array camera technician : 2nd unit Belgium

Bálint Budai

practical electrician

Dániel Bérces


Zoltán Bók

Rigging electric best boy

Mathiew Chambers

Second Assistant C Camera

Danny Cunningham

Lighting Programmer: Main Unit

Mardon de Carvalho

Digital Imaging Technician

Kovács-Hanka Donát

assistant video operator: second unit

Petar Dordevic


Liam Drake

rigger/electrician: Rigging electrician

Imre Dékány

head technician

William Ferguson

drone camera operator

William Ferguson

Drone Camera Operator

Roland Fodor

Video Operator 2nd Unit

Richard Forrest

Aerial DP

Krisztián Galanics

first assistant camera: second unit

Usman Ghaffar


Barnabás Gottmann

camera trainee

István Gottmann

first assistant "a" camera 2nd unit

Andy Gribble

remote head technician

Dávid Gál


Don Hoffmann

Rigging Gaffer

Krisztián Horváth

2nd unit gaffer

Tamás Hámori

Camera/Steadicam operator: second unit

Sven Joukes

steadicam operator: Belgium

Tamás Jánossa

first assistant camera: iPhone

Károly Kamerda

assistant camera: focus puller

András Khin

c camera operator

Gábor Kisgyörgy


Attila Kósa

practical electrician

Kovács Levente


Zoltán Magony

dimmer board operator

Milán Maruszki

first assistant camera: daily

Stephen Mathie


Chris McAleese

first assistant camera: A camera

Gellért Nagy

Camera Trainee

Zsolt Big Nagy

EPK cameraman

Boris Olomi

Best boy grip

Vinod Palakkil

electrician (as Vinod Palaki) / electrician

Péter Pozsonyi

2nd Unit dolly Grip

Francesco Paolo Domenico Pudda

Rigging grip Abu Dhabi unit

Richard Puskás

DIT Intern

Dane Randall

Best boy gaffer

Roger Schram

C 1st Assistant Camera

Bálint Seress

underwater camera assistant

Szabolcs Sitkei

second assistant camera: daily

Gergely Szabó


Peter Tardi

manitou supervisor

Nándor Torma

assistant video operator: second unit

Vi-Dan Tran

action camera operator

Lukas Trso

"A" Camera 2nd Ac

Gergely Vass

Camera operator C camera: Main Unit

Kata Vermes

still photographer

Reid Zandbelt

second unit drone operator

Vidovics Ádám


Now You See Me 3’s Casting Department

Katalin Baranyi

casting director: Hungary

Amy Costa

casting assistant

Tibor Gadácsi

extras casting

Orsolya Heletya

extras casting assistant

Adam Richards

casting associate

Now You See Me 3’s Costume and Wardrobe Department

Dóra Hegedüs

assistant costume designer

Levente Jókai

daily dresser

Csilla Farkasréti Koczóné


Alexa Lancsák

Costume Buyer

Claudia Littlefield

costume supervisor

Irma Lotosova

Costume buyer

Adél Mátyus

principal truck assistant

Réka Nikolics

Principal costume truck supervisor: Principals

Angela Schnoeke-Paasch

costume supervisor uae

Alex Shore

Costume Buyer

Zsuzsanna Szentkeressy-Nagy


Cathie Valdovino

morgan freeman: personal costumer

Paulina van Lenten

senior costume buyer

Zsófia Vecsei

costume milliner

Now You See Me 3’s Location Management

Ahmad Azzam

location assistant

Tóth Daniel

location manager

Kristiaan Fisher

Key Unit Assistant

Lyall Gardiner

location manager

Rochard Kamel

supervising location manager

Timothy Noakes

assistant location manager

Maktoum Noman

location assistant

Szabolcs Pogány

location assistant

Bence Tóth

assistant location manager

Eugene Wee

location coordinator

Now You See Me 3’s Music Department

Hillary Holmes

music executive

Now You See Me 3’s Script and Continuity Department

Renáta Kaszás

script supervisor: 2nd unit

Now You See Me 3’s Transportation Department

Bilal Akber

transportation co-captain: abudhabi unit

Salar Amin

transport assistant : Abu Dhabi

Jérémy Bleys

unit driver

Danielle Brodalka

transportation coordinator

Mickey Davie

floor supervisor

Darren Holvey

transportation captain

Tom Kerslake

Picture vehicles senior technician

Máté F. Pénzes

personal driver: Mr. Woody Harrelson

Now You See Me 3’s Additional Crew

Petruska Beata


Péter Behan

Key Armourer

Matthew Bishton

picture vehicles coordinator

Veronika Bojtos

supervising production coordinator

Terry Chalouhi

production coordinator

William Conacher

Dialect coach

Zora Gerda Fejes

Henley Reeves Double

Larry Garrison

unit publicist

Marius Georgescu

production assistant


UAE Shipping coordinator

Veronika Hladikova

Assistant to Mr. Woody Harrelson

Rebecca Ioannou

production coordinator: Abu Dhabi

Frank Krisztián

Fire Safety/Firefighter

May Madrigal

Key Medic

Anna Palinkas

Assistant to Creative Producer

Timothy Scott Ralston

screening operations executive

Tiia Rowley

Magic Department Coordinator

Zsolt Soltész

catering manager

Laura Strausz

Housing Coordinator

Philip J. Strina

EVP, Business & Legal Affairs, Lions Gate

Andrea Szatmári

Gallery Shoot Coordinator

Alexandra Szucs

unit publicist

Kristina Thesnaar

2nd unit production assistant: Abu Dhabi

Gareth Thomas

Health and Safety Manager

Gergo Toth

Payroll Accountant

Emõke Vágási

copyright clearance coordinator

Meredith Wieck

Senior Vice President, Production and Development, Lionsgate